Kristin Fuhrmann-Simmons

Watercolors + Fine Art Prints

Kristin Fuhrmann-Simmons is a painter based in Southern Maine. She draws inspiration from life on the seacoast, and her watercolor paintings combine her meditation + painting practice into one. A teacher + marketer by trade, Fuhrmann-Simmons honed her artistic skills in her mid-40s. She states: "I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis right before the pandemic, and the curious (and miraculous) coupling of both my own physical changes, as well as a massive shift in how I conducted work in the community, helped me focus how I wanted to spend my time through the healing process of art-making. Painting has given me a new vocabulary and a new way of being in the world.” Her preferred medium is large-format watercolor on paper, and she has branched into screenprinting and mixed media. Her work contains abstract images of the land + sea that bring to life the joy and pause-worthy gentleness of nature through a richly saturated color palette. Fuhrmann-Simmons began formally exhibiting her work in the Spring of 2022. Fuhrmann-Simmons is a Professional Member of the Maine Craft Association. She lives with her husband and their two daughters in Kennebunkport, Maine, along with a menagerie of animals, including a handsome rescue dog named Winslow Homer.
Seaglass All collections Seaweed Semaphore
Rock Cairns